学生D'var Torah - 2023年10月20日

D'var Torah -诺亚


你们很多人都知道,昨晚是高中话剧《永利总站》的首演. 恭喜演员和工作人员! 

当高德曼拉比让我写一部关于欧律狄刻和帕尔沙·诺亚的德瓦律法时, I realized that many of the central themes of Eurydice are parallel to the story of Noach. Noach is the story of the great flood that God brought to wipe out humanity and everything on earth while sparing Noach’s family and animals of every species.  

וַיֹּ֨אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֜ים לְנֹ֗חַ קֵ֤ץ כׇּל־בָּשָׂר֙ בָּ֣א לְפָנַ֔י כִּֽי־מָלְאָ֥ה הָאָ֛רֶץ חָמָ֖ס מִפְּנֵיהֶ֑ם

神对挪亚说, “我已经决定终结所有的肉体, for the earth is filled with lawlessness because of them: I am about to destroy them with the earth.” 

Hamas in this pasuk is not only translated by commentators as  “lawlessness” but also “evil”,“暴力”, 和“恐怖”.


 就我而言, I am about to bring the Flood—waters upon the earth—to destroy all flesh under the sky in which there is breath of life; everything on earth shall perish”

The loss of the entire world is devastating to God as we know from the pasuk at the end of parshat bereishit:
 “וַיִּנָּ֣חֶם יְהֹוָ֔ה כִּֽי־עָשָׂ֥ה אֶת־הָֽאָדָ֖ם בָּאָ֑רֶץ וַיִּתְעַצֵּ֖ב אֶל־לִבּֽוֹ׃”
 耶和华也后悔把人类造在地上. 带着一颗悲伤的心”

’But the same destructive flood will have the positive result of removing evil from the earth. 神正在更新世界, 给它一个新的开始, 并通过拯救诺亚来保护上帝所区分的正义与善良, 他的家人, 每种动物各留几只在方舟上等待洪水过去. 

水也是贯穿欧律狄刻的主题. It serves the same function of causing loss and bringing renewal as it does in the parsha. 

Eurydice is a play by Sarah Ruhl that is based on the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. 欧律狄刻模具, 在冥界的河里游泳让她失去了记忆, 以及她理解人类语言的能力. 重新学习如何说话和阅读的过程, 对欧律狄刻来说,回忆亲人的挣扎是痛苦的. 然而,, 当她与死去的父亲团聚时,她很高兴, 他帮助她重新获得她失去的能力. 她和父亲在死亡中开始了新的生活.   诺亚一家回到了一片安全而干燥的土地上, 虽然不熟悉,没有其他生物,但却能够重新开始. 

自10月7日起, many of us are acutely feeling this duality in our lives as we face a struggle to find a way to function day to day,  to continue on with the responsibilities that we have and trying to live our lives while simultaneously grieving for those who have died in Israel and all whose lives have been irreparably shattered. 永利总站被撕裂,怀疑自己. 永利总站享受片刻的快乐是可以的吗, 如成功地完成一项表演, 或者其他永利总站即将听到的流言蜚语,或者永利总站是否应该暂停一切? 永利总站如何找到平衡? 这个困境不可能只有一个正确的答案, 然而《永利总站》结尾的故事, of the Tower of Bavel serves as a powerful reminder of how we as a unified community can approach and grapple with this tension.  Both Parshat Noach and Eurydice display the difficulties and consequences that ensue when people are not able to communicate. 上帝惩罚建造巴维尔塔的人. 

כִּי־שָׁ֛ם בָּלַ֥ל יְהֹוָ֖ה שְׂפַ֣ת כׇּל־הָאָ֑רֶץ וּמִשָּׁם֙ הֱפִיצָ֣ם יְהֹוָ֔ה עַל־פְּנֵ֖י כׇּל־הָאָֽרֶץ׃
“because there יהוה confounded the speech of the whole earth; and from there יהוה scattered them over the face of the whole earth.”

God punishes the people for building the tower by making it impossible for them to communicate and as a result they could not remain a unified community and are scattered across the world. 

It takes time for Eurydice and her father to communicate with each other due to the barrier between human language and the language of stones that the newly dead speak. 

Through both Eurydice and Parshat Noach we are reminded that we as a community must share a common language in order to support each other as we wrestle with the duality in our lives. The language is not English or Hebrew, but a language of compassion and support of one another. We must be committed to respecting whatever approach each one of us is taking to facing this new, 强烈的二元性. 对于这个问题,没有正确的方式来体验悲伤或快乐. 永利总站能做什么, 然而, 是继续彼此连接吗, to communicate with each other and to support each other now and always as a resilient and responsive community.


וַהֲקִמֹתִ֤י אֶת־בְּרִיתִי֙ אִתְּכֶ֔ם וְלֹֽא־יִכָּרֵ֧ת כׇּל־בָּשָׂ֛ר ע֖וֹד מִמֵּ֣י הַמַּבּ֑וּל וְלֹֽא־יִהְיֶ֥ה ע֛וֹד מַבּ֖וּל לְשַׁחֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃

I will maintain My covenant with you: never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood, 再也不会有洪水来毁灭地球了.

在《永利总站》中关于parshat noach的哈托拉中也有详细的描述

כִּ֤י הֶהָרִים֙ יָמ֔וּשׁוּ וְהַגְּבָע֖וֹת תְּמוּטֶ֑ינָה וְחַסְדִּ֞י מֵאִתֵּ֣ךְ לֹא־יָמ֗וּשׁ וּבְרִ֤ית שְׁלוֹמִי֙ לֹ֣א תָמ֔וּט אָמַ֥ר מְרַחֲמֵ֖ךְ יְהֹוָֽה׃ {ס}    
